Our Planet's Health

Ultimately our health and our planet’s health is about balance and homeostasis, the seesaw of toxicity and vitality. Our planet and our bodies can heal if we nurture them, it is what they do best! However, the high levels of toxicity suffocate this natural process, it overloads the system, creating stress, heat and inflammation as they work hard to rectify and restore, known as oxidative stress in our bodies and climate change for our planet.

The Infinity Health Hub seeks collaboration with other associations and businesses to create awareness of the impact of our choices, what we can individually and collectively do and re-invest back into the health of our planet.

The focus will be on increasing the production of clean, affordable and sustainable food by local farmers, through Agroecology, how individually we can support our farmers and the planet by eating in relationship to the seasons, choosing where we shop, our diet of quality not quantity, less wastage and non-processed foods.  

To become a collective strong voice against the use of pesticides and antibiotics in our food which become a toxic cocktail for nature, our bees, water, air and soil and our health.

Through tree preservation and land purchasing go protect out woodlands, forests and rainforests and the wonderful creatures that live within these diverse habitats.

If you are an business or organisation that wishes to be part of this food and health revolution and BeMoreBee, please contact the team on support@theinfinityhealthhub.com