Mind and Body

Our bodies are a reflection of our mind and emotions, emotions are energy in motion, our mind and body are inseparable through all the systems that keep us alive, such as the endocrine, neuroendocrine, vascular and central nervous system. When we experience stress over long periods of time, traumas, old patterns and cycles of emotions, such as fear, guilt, anger which are not released or processed eventually become physical restrictions.

When we have a thought and emotion a chemical and hormone process takes place, stimulating our body to react accordingly. However, should we not act upon this emotion or release it, this emotion    becomes stored on a cellular level within our tissues of our body, otherwise the brain would be overwhelmed and unable to function correctly.

Overtime these unresolved emotions inhibit the area that they are stored within and restrictions form causing further adhesions within the body affecting the musculo-skeletal and visceral system, hence pain, discomfort, illness and “dis-ease” may occur.

Our beautiful and intelligent bodies are not simply a vehicle that does what our minds want to do, they are an intelligent part of us, and they need to be listened to, honoured and loved by us.

To heal we have to see ourselves as one and look within ourselves with honesty and vulnerability. There may be painful memories, traumas, ancestral and social patterns and beliefs in one’s life that are being held by the body and reflected back to us in the forms of pain, discomfort and dis-ease and to be truly free and healthy, these emotions need to be acknowledged, accepted and released.

Through my personal experience and with my clients over the years, the healing journey begins when we connect our mind, heart and body to understand why we are experiencing pain, discomfort, dis-ease and illness. From this foundation of connection, we acknowledge the wisdom centres that are already within us, our miraculous bodies, supported with awareness and self-care techniques we are able to make the vital empowering conscious choices in our lifestyle and health.

…Our bodies are intricate layers of the physical and emotional…

… As we listen to our bodies and unpeel each layer of ourselves we find the cause…


I believe our health and wellbeing is a journey of self-love and acceptance and when we unpeel the physical layers of stress and restriction, pain and inflammation there are deeper layers of emotion fuelling this inflammation via our limbic, neural, endocrine, vascular and lymphatic systems, causing a constriction and impingement of the optimum functionality of our bodies down to a cellular and energetic level.

When we start to connect and listen to our body, to understand the levels of self-care and love that are needed, to seek an objective awareness of self to observe our patterns, beliefs and emotions that are causing stress and inflammation in our body, we create a space of mind and body to visualise new patterns of thoughts and brain plasticity, upon which we become enlightened and empowered in our own health and well-being, we create a self-care tool kit that is always with us.

“everything I need is already within me”

Link to Infinity Health Hub Article: Healing our Beautiful Bodies through Listening.

This formed the concept of LOVE2HEAL – Listen Observe Visualise Empower for a range of ailments of musculoskeletal to stress related illnesses. Unpeeling each layer of the physical, emotional, mental and energetic, recognising that each emotion carries an energetic frequency, consciously or subconsciously.

With self-awareness, love and acceptance, not swayed by criticism or praise, to know that You Are Enough releases the foot off the pedal and the undue daily stress we place upon ourselves and our bodies.

We release and transition ourselves from the constrictive low vibrational such as fear, anger, shame, grief to the open and expansive high energy of gratitude, love and joy, inner peace and contentment.