The Infinity Hub

Over several hundreds of years our “western” culture has placed more emphasis on the brain and mind rather than the body, we have believed that the mind and body function separately and each ailment we have isn’t linked, and it’s just a “coincidence”. However science continues to evolve, often going full circle to what Ancient Eastern cultures have lived to for thousands of years, that everyone and everything are connected through the universal field of energy and the elements of the Earth.

To live a healthier and happier life we have to look at all aspects of our lives as one, our mind and body, our heart and soul, our environment and our planet. To reclaim a wholeness of inner contentment, purpose joy and peace, we need to acknowledge old patterns both emotionally and physically and the energetic and physical environment we are in and exposed to.

Therefore each and every post and article on the Infinity Hub will have cross overs, how the mind affects the body and the body affects the mind; how honouring the truth of our heart and emotions and living with heartfelt purpose, our soul, reflects as joy, happiness and contentment which reduces stress in our minds and body, enabling the miraculous body to do what it does best, heal through homeostasis; how spirituality and faith practices support in this journey; how Mother Earth supports us to heal by living the cycles of seasons and the plants that grow with the nutrients we need at the time; how eating seasonally and locally supports our health and the sustainability of our planet; how the increasing  toxicity of our planet from plastics, chemicals, deforestation, food production and waste are directly related to our increase of diseases and ill health.

To make it easier to navigate, each article will be tagged to what it is most relevant to, such as mind and body, it then may have specific sub categories, for women’s, men’s and children’s  health; what symptoms and issues it may help with and the therapies and self-care techniques that support this aspect.

This will enable you to search symptoms that you wish to know more about and highlight relevant articles from a wonderful spectrum of knowledge and a variety of self-care techniques, which will constantly grow in depth, for you to explore what resonates with you on this journey. You will then be able to make a favourites listing to your personal login, so you don’t have to search again, saving time and any frustration.

For example, Peri-Menopause and Menopause affects 13 million women in the UK, it is a hugely under researched topic that needs to be explored in greater depths to support these wonderful women in their individual transition of life.

The holistic approach would look into a web of areas, from nutrition and toxicity, hormone balance, mineral balance, stress, trauma and emotions, restorative and strengthening exercise, self-development and related therapies, specialists and organisations.

Importantly and what I feel is quite key, is the hub community element, where you are able to communicate and share with one another’s experiences, to have this support and to know you are not alone in your journey and we are all experiencing these transitions in life in our own unique way.

When we break free from restrictive fears and show up as ourselves, living fully in the present moment by being our raw, vulnerable yet loving selves, we exude such strength and support for one another, by simply being us, life isn’t about the grand gestures, it’s the quiet compassionate space that we create for one another which is so needed right now. Never underestimate the gift that you are to this world.

“My presence in this world is a gift”